Role of Technology in Anthropological Work

Anthropology, the study of human societies and cultures, has long focused on understanding the intricacies of human behavior and societal structures. Traditionally, anthropologists relied on immersive fieldwork, participant observation, and ethnographic research methods to unravel the mysteries of different cultures. However, technology has revolutionized how anthropologists conduct their work, opening new avenues for research, analysis, and communication.

Digital ethnography has emerged as a prominent methodology within anthropology, allowing researchers to study online communities, virtual spaces, and digital cultures. With the proliferation of social media platforms, online forums, and digital communication tools, anthropologists can observe and analyze human behavior in virtual environments. Through methods like netnography, researchers can gather data, conduct interviews, and participate in online communities to gain insights into the dynamics of digital cultures.

Geographic Information Systems (GIS) have become invaluable tools for anthropologists studying human-environment interactions, cultural landscapes, and spatial patterns. By overlaying geographic data with cultural, demographic, and environmental information, anthropologists can create detailed maps and visualizations to explore complex relationships between humans and their surroundings. GIS technology enables researchers to analyze archaeological sites, migration patterns, and land use practices, providing a deeper understanding of cultural landscapes and historical processes.

Remote sensing technologies, such as satellite imagery, LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging), and aerial drones, have transformed archaeological research and landscape analysis. These tools allow anthropologists to survey large areas, detect hidden archaeological features, and monitor changes in the landscape over time. From identifying ancient settlements to mapping changes in vegetation patterns, remote sensing technologies provide valuable data for understanding past human societies and environmental dynamics.

The digitization of archival materials and the development of online databases have revolutionized access to anthropological resources and research materials. Anthropologists can now access vast collections of digitized manuscripts, photographs, audio recordings, and ethnographic data worldwide. Digital archives facilitate research and collaboration and contribute to the preservation and dissemination of cultural heritage for future generations. Moreover, it lends to the preservation of history and allows individuals to access the archives remotely.

Technology has facilitated collaboration and communication among anthropologists across disciplines and geographic locations. Through online platforms, video conferencing, and collaborative tools, researchers can exchange ideas, share data, and collaborate on projects in real-time. Virtual conferences, webinars, and online forums also provide opportunities for networking, knowledge exchange, and interdisciplinary dialogue within the anthropological community.

Advancements in computational methods and big data analytics have expanded the analytical toolkit available to anthropologists. Researchers can analyze large datasets to uncover patterns, trends, and correlations within cultural and social phenomena by leveraging machine learning algorithms, data mining techniques, and statistical modeling. Computational approaches enable anthropologists to process complex data more efficiently, allowing for deeper insights and more rigorous analysis.

Technology has transformed the way anthropologists communicate their research findings to diverse audiences. Through digital storytelling, multimedia presentations, and interactive exhibits, researchers can engage with stakeholders, policymakers, and the public in innovative ways. From immersive virtual reality experiences to interactive online platforms, anthropologists are using technology to convey the richness and complexity of human cultures and societies.

An Overview of Bioarchaeology

As the word implies, bioarchaeology is an interdisciplinary field that blends biology with archaeology. It involves examining human remains from archaeological sites comprising bones, teeth, and occasionally, well-preserved soft tissues. By doing so, bioarchaeologists gain profound insights into the lives, health, and societal structures of ancient populations.

A fundamental method in bioarchaeology involves skeletal analysis. This entails a thorough examination of remains, where researchers determine the age, sex, and stature of individuals, contributing to the reconstruction of demographic profiles of ancient populations. Concurrently, paleopathology, the study of ancient diseases and injuries, enhances human understanding of the health and living conditions of past communities.

This is possible in part because diseases like tuberculosis and leprosy as well as malnutrition leave discernible traces in skeletal remains. Therefore, they provide crucial insights into the health challenges faced by ancestors. Disease prevalence and nutritional deficiencies offer a comprehensive perspective on the challenges faced by human ancestors and the evolution of human health over time.

Stable isotope analysis is another prevalent method used in bioarcheology. It examines isotopic ratios in skeletal remains to deduce dietary habits, migration patterns, and social hierarchies. This approach unveils information about subsistence strategies and the mobility of ancient populations.

Recent technological advances have introduced ancient DNA (aDNA) analysis. This novel procedure enables the extraction of genetic material from ancient remains. It has significantly contributed to a more profound understanding of human evolution, migration patterns, and genetic relationships between ancient populations.

Moreover, bioarchaeological analyses of burial sites provide a unique lens into cultural practices, rituals, and funerary customs. The treatment of the deceased often reflects spiritual and cultural beliefs, enriching contemporary understanding of the cultural fabric of ancient societies.

However, bioarchaeologists grapple with ethical dilemmas as they strive to balance the concerns of descendant groups with the valuable insights gained from skeletal studies. Understanding the social context and being attuned to changes in the practices of acquiring and analyzing human skeletal remains is crucial for navigating these ethical complexities.

Fortunately, a growing acceptance of diverse value systems have spurred a contemporary quest for shared ethical principles. People have realized that bioarchaeology blends scientific values with the values of cultural relativism. It has given rise to shared values, including respect for human dignity, a commitment to preservation, and acknowledgment of the rights of descendants to determine the disposition of remains.

Professional organizations have also aided in shaping and upholding ethical standards within bioarchaeology. The codes of ethics developed by these associations reflect the dynamic nature of ethical considerations in the practice of bioarchaeology and human skeletal research.

These ethical guidelines provide a foundation for understanding the social dimensions inherent in professional activities within the field. Adhering to these ethical guidelines allows bioarchaeologists to conduct research that not only advances knowledge, but also respects the ethical imperatives associated with the study of human remains.

Ultimately, bioarchaeology regularly provides groundbreaking discoveries that reshape the comprehension of human history. As technology advances and interdisciplinary collaboration thrives, bioarchaeology remains at the forefront of unlocking the mysteries of past human civilizations.

Leveraging Technology in Archaeological Work

Archaeology, often perceived as a discipline rooted in the past, is rapidly embracing the tools of the future. As technology continues to advance, archaeologists find themselves at the forefront of innovation, leveraging cutting-edge techniques to unlock the mysteries of ancient civilizations.

For instance, remote sensing technologies such as LiDAR (light detection and ranging) have transformed the field of archaeology by providing researchers with detailed topographical data without the need for invasive excavations. LiDAR, mounted on aircraft or drones, emits laser light pulses to map the terrain below, revealing hidden structures and landscapes that are invisible to the naked eye. This technology has proven invaluable in uncovering ancient settlements, roads, and even entire cities buried beneath dense vegetation or layers of soil.

3D modeling and virtual reality (VR) have transformed how archaeologists analyze sites. By digitally reconstructing ancient structures and landscapes in three dimensions, researchers gain a detailed and accurate view that can be used for further research. This method goes beyond traditional drawings or photos, allowing for a more immersive exploration of virtual environments. In 3D models, archaeologists can examine architectural details, spatial relationships, and material textures. Virtual reality enhances this by enabling researchers to virtually explore reconstructed environments, providing a precise and experiential understanding of past civilizations.

VR technology allows users to immerse themselves in ancient civilizations, walking through reconstructed streets, buildings, and monuments as they appeared centuries ago. This not only enhances human understanding of past societies, but also offers novel educational opportunities for students and the public.

Moreover, geographic information systems (GIS) have become indispensable tools for archaeological research and conservation efforts. By integrating spatial data with archaeological findings, GIS enables researchers to analyze patterns of human settlement, map archaeological sites, and track changes in landscapes over time. GIS technology also aids in heritage management by facilitating the documentation and preservation of cultural heritage sites, helping to mitigate threats such as urban development, looting, and natural disasters.

Ground-penetrating radar (GPR) is another technology revolutionizing archaeological exploration by allowing researchers to noninvasively investigate subsurface features. By emitting high-frequency radio waves into the ground and measuring the reflections, GPR can detect buried artifacts, structures, and even ancient gravesites without disturbing the soil. This non-destructive method of exploration is particularly valuable in sensitive archaeological sites where excavation may be impractical or prohibited.

Additionally, recent advances in DNA and isotope analysis are illuminating the origins, migrations, and lifestyles of ancient populations. By analyzing ancient DNA extracted from skeletal remains, researchers can trace the genetic ancestry of past civilizations and uncover connections between different populations.

Similarly, isotope analysis, which examines the chemical composition of bones and teeth, provides insights into ancient diets, migration patterns, and social structures. This technique helps archaeologists reconstruct the lives of individuals who lived thousands of years ago.

Alongside these advances, archaeologists are looking at the ethical considerations as the use of these advanced technologies becomes commonplace. Issues surrounding data privacy, cultural sensitivity, and community engagement need careful attention. Moreover, the responsible use of tools like LiDAR, 3D modeling, and DNA analysis requires a balance between the pursuit of knowledge and protecting privacy rights. Therefore, robust community engagement is necessary to ensure active participation from local communities in archaeological initiatives, promoting a collaborative and inclusive approach.

Technology is revolutionizing virtually every aspect of archaeological work, offering unprecedented opportunities to explore and preserve human heritage. By embracing these innovative tools archaeologists are not only making new discoveries, but also fostering greater public engagement and appreciation for the richness and diversity of human history.

A Brief Look at Medical Anthropology

Medical anthropology is a branch of anthropology that assesses how an individual’s health is determined by their cultural, historical, and political realities. This branch of anthropology is instrumental in understanding the various complexities of diseases and their diagnostic categories. Medical anthropology is an important branch of anthropology because anthropologists perceive humans as both biological and cultural beings. Medical anthropologists are concerned about human health and its relationship to different environmental and cultural contexts.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), health is “a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being.” This WHO definition of health recognizes the involvement of other factors in determining a person’s health. They recognize that different social, environmental, and biological factors influence health. While diseases are purely biological and are usually a result of factors like a person’s physical structure or bodily chemical function, illnesses, on the other hand, usually involve an individual’s sociocultural experiences and might result in a disruption of their mental health or physical well-being.

Medical anthropology is rooted in four fields of American anthropology, and it has strong roots in the early works of European anthropologists’ ideas of Christianity. Christianity is of the opinion that man is a tripartite and holistic being and is divided into body, soul, and spirit. Franz Boas introduced this tripartite and holistic approach to anthropology, and it formed the foundation of medical anthropology today. Franz Boas focused on race theory in health, and he was of the opinion that a person’s racial category and ethnic background determine, to a large extent, their physical and behavioral attributes. Franz Boas noted that a significant amount of flexibility and uniqueness exists within every ethnicity. According to him, social factors like nutrition, diet, and child-rearing practices often inform these biological differences.

During the 1980s, more medical anthropologists further streamlined the discipline and diversified it into several interdisciplinary endeavors. This has resulted in a more applied use of anthropology in government healthcare policy decisions. The diversification of anthropology has also presented more anthropologists with the opportunity to participate in more extensive public discourse regarding community health.

Medical anthropology involves understanding the cultures of medicine, the economics of physical injuries, the social nature of emergent biotechnology, the formation of social networks on health, as well as the lived realities of people living with disabilities within a particular community. Consequently, medical anthropologists often engage with communities, patients, and health scientists, contributing to a more encompassing understanding of how social factors like war, famine, poverty, wealth, racism, and social status can positively or adversely affect the physical and mental well-being of a group of people.

Also, medical anthropology usually focuses on integrating biological understanding and cultural subtlety into policy and human-centered care. Applied anthropologists who work in hospitals, nonprofit organizations, and government agencies like the World Health Organisation (WHO), the National Institutes of Health (NIH), and the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) are included in the area of medical anthropology today. Scholars who focus on solving complicated problems and investigating the intricate connection between human culture and health are known as academic medical anthropologists. Medical anthropologists often double as academics and healthcare workers because most are involved in applying the insights and nuances from their research to positively impact the lives of the communities that they study.

How Archaeologists Piece Together the Past

Archaeology is a discipline that doesn’t merely scratch the surface of history but digs deep, unearthing treasures buried by time. Piecing together the past involves a fascinating blend of scientific methodologies, careful excavation, analysis, and interpretation.

At its core, archaeological excavation serves as the primary means of uncovering the remnants of ancient civilizations. Excavation involves discovering and documenting past human activities by carefully removing soil and artifacts from sites. It includes recording findings, analyzing data, and interpreting historical and cultural aspects. It serves scientific research, cultural preservation, and education, revealing insights into ancient societies’ history, culture, technology, and environment.

Though excavation dates back to ancient times, modern professional archaeology emerged in the 19th century. Initially resembling treasure hunts, these excavations lacked contextual concern for artifacts found. Today, excavations are meticulously planned, relying on diverse sciences like chemistry, geology, physics, and biology. They are highly organized endeavors aiming for comprehensive understanding rather than mere artifact collection.

Central to this quest is utilizing both relative and absolute dating methods. Relative dating assists archaeologists in establishing the sequence of events and determining the age of artifacts and sites about one another. It involves placing pieces in chronological order based on their positions within the stratigraphy (the layers of soil and debris that have accumulated over centuries or millennia). Deeper layers typically house older artifacts, while those closer to the surface belong to more recent times.

On the other hand, absolute dating methods provide precise numerical ages for artifacts and sites. Techniques like radiocarbon dating or dendrochronology employ scientific principles to measure radioactive elements’ decay or tree growth rings, offering accurate timeframes for ancient finds.

The excavation process involves more than just digging; it necessitates meticulous recording and documentation. Every artifact, fragment, or feature discovered within a site is carefully cataloged and mapped, creating a detailed record of its location and context. This data holds immense importance, offering insights into the utilization of these objects, their cultural significance, and the daily lives of those who once interacted with them.

But archaeology isn’t solely about unearthing artifacts; it’s about comprehending the larger narrative. Archaeologists analyze many findings, ranging from pottery shards and tools to ancient structures and human remains. They scrutinize these discoveries, seeking patterns, connections, and cultural nuances illuminating ancient societies’ customs, beliefs, and technologies.

The advancement of technology has dramatically enriched the field of archaeology. Cutting-edge imaging techniques such as ground-penetrating radar and LiDAR have revolutionized how archaeologists explore hidden structures or landscapes without physically disturbing the sites.

Moreover, collaboration forms a pivotal aspect of archaeological inquiry. Experts from diverse fields, such as geology, anthropology, and chemistry, often collaborate, leveraging their unique expertise to unravel past mysteries.

Archaeology is also about storytelling. It’s about reconstructing narratives from fragments of the past, weaving together tales of ancient civilizations and stories of their triumphs, challenges, and everyday lives. The intricate process of piecing together the past goes beyond artifact collection; it encompasses heritage preservation, establishing connections to ancestral origins, and deriving wisdom from predecessors while navigating present and future complexities.

Additionally, archaeologists rely on written records in many cultures, deciphering ancient writing systems like the Mayan script. Understanding Mayan writing unveils governance, trade, warfare, diet, and religious beliefs, illuminating the functioning of their society and the intricacies of their culture. Deciphering such scripts offers invaluable insights into ancient civilizations’ ways of life, enabling a deeper understanding of their histories and practices.

DVI Applications of Forensic Anthropology in the 21st Century

John “Jack” Cantin went missing in a mudslide that swept through Montecito, California, in 2018. Three years later, a team of researchers from the University of California, Santa Barbara, used forensic anthropology and bioarchaeology to help Jack’s mother recover her son’s body. Forensic anthropology is a part of disaster victim identification (DVI) after disastrous events.

A December 2019 article published in Forensic Sciences Research defines a disaster as a phenomenon, natural or man-made, that causes a severe disruption of a community. This phenomenon usually culminates in losses to the economic, environmental, material, and human ecosystem.

The impacts are so powerful that they remove the ability of the community to cope. Furthermore, whether an event is determined a disaster is based on jurisdiction, with one jurisdiction defining a disaster with as little as two fatalities and another culminating in 10 fatalities. Disaster victim identification is an integral part of these events and disaster response.

One of the best-known disasters of the 21st century was the September 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center, when two passenger airlines flew into the north and south towers. The buildings collapsed after two hours, and the civilians, first responders, and emergency personnel inside perished. Human remains were fragmented, burned, and blended, complicating identification. Forensic anthropologists worked with fingerprint examiners, X-ray technicians, forensic odontologists (dentists), DNA analysts, medicolegal investigators, and volunteers to identify victims.

The Black Saturday bushfires in Victoria, Australia, on February 7, 2009, was another example of how forensic anthropologists worked with specialists from other DVI fields. The region experienced extreme heat and strong winds, resulting in 300 bushfires and 173 fatalities. Faulty power lines, lightning strikes, and arsonists caused the fires to be so intense that extinguishing the flames took six weeks. Recovering the bodies took weeks. The coroner enlisted a team of forensic pathologists, forensic anthropologists, odontologists, radiologists, and fingerprint specialists from the Victoria Institute of Forensic Medicine. Three months after the disaster, the team formally identified the deceased.

In 2015, a vintage Hawker Hunter jet crashed during an air show in West Sussex, UK, killing 11 people. Authorities had to comb a wide area to recover over 1,200 body parts. By the time of recovery, the remains had decomposed considerably. The authorities enlisted forensic anthropologists and archaeologists to assist in the investigation. Identifying the victims took six weeks.

In November 2015, 130 people were killed in Paris after groups of men launched six attacks. Authorities recovered bodies and approximately 90 body commingled body parts. The authorities had little experience in dealing with an event of this magnitude. In addition to multiple examinations, a team of specialists that included forensic pathologists participated in re-assessing the body parts. Identifying the victims took six months.

In February 2019, a Paris fire that broke out in the late hours of February 5 ended with 10 fatalities and an additional 40 people being injured. A fire authorities believed to be set intentionally it burned through several floors. In the search for bodies, authorities recovered 85 fragmented and charred bodies and body parts. This effort was done under the supervision of forensic anthropologists and odontologists. It took the team, in collaboration with the DVI unit, four days to identify victims through DNA analysis.

In all these investigations, forensic anthropologists helped with identifications at the disaster sites, assisted coroners in determining whether remains were human, determined causes of death, and provided biological profiles, such as age, sex, and stature.

Bioarchaeology’s Contribution to Studying Ancient Diet and Nutrition

In archaeological research, bioarchaeology has emerged as a pivotal and indispensable discipline, offering profound insights into the dietary patterns of earlier civilizations. By fusing biological sciences and archaeological methodologies, this scientific field delves into the remnants of human ancestors, unearthing fundamental information concerning their historical dietary choices and nutritional practices.

Bioarchaeologists methodically examine human remains, including skeletal elements and dental evidence, as they endeavor to unravel the mysteries of the past. To that end, they shed light on what people from the past consumed, enabling a comprehensive understanding of the interplay between human biology and dietary customs throughout history.

Bioarchaeologists adopt a thorough approach in their research, honing in on the human remains of ancient populations. Their focus is primarily on skeletal elements and dental evidence, with the overarching aim of discerning the types of foods individuals consumed and unraveling the nutritional value and diversity of these dietary choices.

In particular, bioarchaeologists rely on the examination of teeth to provide a unique window into an individual’s dietary preferences at various life stages. By scrutinizing dental wear, markers of enamel development, and other dental characteristics, these scientists can construct a chronological timeline of dietary changes throughout an individual’s life.

This comprehensive view of dietary evolution offers invaluable information about how nutritional practices adapted and developed. This provides context for human understanding of ancient societies and their dynamic relationship with food.

Stable isotope analysis is a potent tool in the bioarchaeologist’s arsenal. Isotope analysis involves assessing the composition of bones, teeth, and hair to identify nutrient sources. By comparing isotope ratios to those found in specific foods, scientists can pinpoint the primary dietary components. For example, carbon and nitrogen isotopes can reveal whether individuals primarily consumed plants or meat.

Bioarchaeology also allows researchers to explore dietary preferences across various regions and periods. For example, the dietary habits of ancient Egyptians, known for their agrarian society, markedly differ from those of far north Inuit communities, who relied on hunting and fishing. By studying the remains of these populations, experts can better understand the influence of culture, climate, and geography on dietary choices.

Bioarchaeology also plays a crucial role in shedding light on the intricate social hierarchies and inequalities that characterized ancient societies. This is achieved through a meticulous comparison of the diets of individuals across various socioeconomic backgrounds, which typically reveal profound disparities in food access.

These insights don’t just provide clarity on how power and wealth were instrumental in shaping the nutritional status of bygone eras. They also offer a compelling narrative of how societal structures and economic divisions influenced the well-being and health of diverse segments of populations. This deeper comprehension of the historical origins of social disparities serves as a valuable backdrop for contemporary discussions regarding equity and the determinants of health in today’s world.

Beyond dietary analysis, bioarchaeologists examine skeletal and dental health to unveil the health implications of ancient nutrition. Skeletal markers, such as malnutrition evidence and dental decay, offer insights into the overall well-being of a population. Studying disease patterns and nutritional deficiencies enables scientists to draw conclusions about the health challenges faced by our ancestors.

Safety Considerations for Building a Doghouse

Danielle Kurin studied anthropology and is an assistant professor at the University of California at Santa Barbara. She is based in California and Peru and runs the Phillip Walker Bioarchaeology Lab. At her leisure, Danielle Kurin enjoys making pottery and being with her dog.

Dogs are man’s best friend, and a doghouse is a place of comfort and shelter for them. However, you must build a structure tailored to ensure safety and not be a health hazard for your dog. To achieve this, you must use quality materials to construct your doghouse in addition to accurate measurements. With this, your mind can rest easy knowing the doghouse will stand strong in pouring rain, high winds, or thick snow.

The positioning of the doghouse is imperative as you want to shield your dog from heavy rainfall, gushing winds, and intense summer temperatures. It is advisable to build your doghouse in a shaded region protected from the wind, rain, and sun.

Stages of Human Evolution

Experienced teacher and researcher Danielle Kurin has a PhD in anthropology and is an assistant professor of bioarchaeology at the University of California at Santa Barbara. Also a member of numerous archaeological associations, Danielle Kurin coordinates international field research programs focusing on Andahuaylas, one of Peru’s south-central highland regions. As an assistant professor of bioarchaeology, she teaches anthropology courses on osteology and human evolution.

Evolution entails an organism’s gradual changes in order to specialize and survive. Experts believe evolution results from the interaction of five processes: natural selection, mutation, chromosomal abnormalities, genetic recombination, and reproductive isolation. Humans have evolved over the years till we got to this present stage. Here are some of humanity’s distant ancestors:

Dryopithecus. Archaeologists believe these species were predecessors to both apes and humans. Dryopithecus lived in Europe, India, China, and Africa. Experts believe Dryopithecus were predominantly herbivores.

Australopithecus. This genus succeeded Dryopithecus. Fossilized remains of Australopithecus were first discovered in South Africa in 1924. They had an ape-like body, used stones as weapons, and walked erect. At 4 feet tall and 60 to 80 pounds, they were both shorter and lighter than modern humans.

Homo Erectus. Originally named Pithecanthropus Erectus when the first fossil was found in 1891, experts believe they dwelled in caves. Field researchers have also found evidence of collective hunting and fire use.

Homo Sapiens Neanderthalensis. Over time, Homo Erectus evolved into Homo Sapiens with two identifiable sub-species, namely Homo Sapiens Sapiens and Homo Sapien Neanderthal. Neanderthal cranial capacity was robust, ranging from 1200-1600 cc.

Homo Sapiens Sapiens. This subspecies has reduced jaws, a rounded skull, and the modern man’s chin with a cranial capacity of about 1350 cc. They introduced art, gathered food through hunting, and are the human species in existence today.

Stages of Human Evolution

Experienced teacher and researcher Danielle Kurin has a PhD in anthropology and is an assistant professor of bioarchaeology at the University of California at Santa Barbara. Also a member of numerous archaeological associations, Danielle Kurin coordinates international field research programs focusing on Andahuaylas, one of Peru’s south-central highland regions. As an assistant professor of bioarchaeology, she teaches anthropology courses on osteology and human evolution.

Evolution entails an organism’s gradual changes in order to specialize and survive. Experts believe evolution results from the interaction of five processes: natural selection, mutation, chromosomal abnormalities, genetic recombination, and reproductive isolation. Humans have evolved over the years till we got to this present stage. Here are some of humanity’s distant ancestors:

Dryopithecus. Archaeologists believe these species were predecessors to both apes and humans. Dryopithecus lived in Europe, India, China, and Africa. Experts believe Dryopithecus were predominantly herbivores.

Australopithecus. This genus succeeded Dryopithecus. Fossilized remains of Australopithecus were first discovered in South Africa in 1924. They had an ape-like body, used stones as weapons, and walked erect. At 4 feet tall and 60 to 80 pounds, they were both shorter and lighter than modern humans.

Homo Erectus. Originally named Pithecanthropus Erectus when the first fossil was found in 1891, experts believe they dwelled in caves. Field researchers have also found evidence of collective hunting and fire use.

Homo Sapiens Neanderthalensis. Over time, Homo Erectus evolved into Homo Sapiens with two identifiable sub-species, namely Homo Sapiens Sapiens and Homo Sapien Neanderthal. Neanderthal cranial capacity was robust, ranging from 1200-1600 cc.

Homo Sapiens Sapiens. This subspecies has reduced jaws, a rounded skull, and the modern man’s chin with a cranial capacity of about 1350 cc. They introduced art, gathered food through hunting, and are the human species in existence today.

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